Aspire Center

In September 2023, CDF provided $10 million in New Markets Tax Credit (NMTC) allocation to Westside Health Authority (WHA) and Austin Coming Together (ACT) to redevelop the closed Robert Emmet elementary school into a 38,000-square-foot mixed-use workforce training center located at 5500 West Madison in the Austin neighborhood. The project will act as a ‘one-stop’ resource center for youth and unemployed adults seeking career training, social services, and support. Project elements include a manufacturing workforce training center operated by Jane Addams Resource Corporation (JARC); offices and programmatic space for WHA and ACT to provide community wellness and employment services; spaces to be developed in the future for a health clinic and café; and a BMO Harris Bank branch.

ACT and WHA will serve more than 6,000 individuals annually with comprehensive services designed to support the employment preparedness and skills development of hard-to-employ individuals. JARC will provide manufacturing training, job placement, and financial literacy services to help 100+ participants gain access to high paying jobs annually. At full operation, the project is anticipated to support more than 50 full-time equivalent positions across the various tenants.

In coordination with CDF’s financing, BMO Harris, Chase New Markets Corporation, Cinnaire, and Enterprise provided a total of $27 million in NMTC allocation. NMTC equity was provided by JP Morgan Chase.